Old Bethel Baptist Church

Turning Hearts & Homes Toward Heaven
Sikeston, MO 63801    



Welcome to Old Bethel Baptist Church

Sunday School 9:30 AM

Sunday School
is more than just meeting before morning service. We have fellowship, outings, events, parties, etc. Come and Join one of our classes.

Sunday School Name Teacher Room
Faithwalkers Griffin, Jimmie Sanctuary
Sunday The Upper Room - Couples Horton, Brent Upper
Sunday Little Lambs PreK-K Stovall, Barbara gym A
The Kings Kids St. John, Drew gym B
Sunday The Grace League Baker, Tara 1
Sunday Men 2 Men Frazier, Rodney 2
Blessed Hope Alsup, Randy 3
Sunday School Nursery Lofton, Tanya Nursery
Sunday School Flashpoint Stovall, Darrell II 4
Sunday Chasing after God Baker, Jarrod 5
Good News Crew Frazier, Leslie 6
Ladies of Wisdom Giasson, Wanda 7
Sunday Ladies in Grace Lofton, Shelia 8